To browse Academia. Öz: Mesnevi, kafiyenin her beyitte değişmesi ve beyit sayısının da sınırlandırılmamış olması özellikleri nedeniyle uzun manzum metinler için tercih edilen bir nazım şekli olmuştur. Bu durum, tahkiyeye dayalı manzum metinlerde şairlere büyük kolaylık sağlamıştır. Leylâ vü Mecnûn, Hüsrev ü Şîrîn, Yûsuf u Züleyhâ gibi aşkı konu alan manzum hikâyeler hep bu nazım şekliyle yazılmış, hatta mesnevi denilince çoğunlukla bu tür metinler akla gelir olmuştur. Türk edebiyatında ilk defa İskender-nâme yazan kişi Bunların dışında aynı dönemde Fars edebiyatında bir de mensur İskender-nâme yazılmıştır. Fakat bu müstakil aşk hikâyesi, daha önce yazılmış olan eserlerin hiçbirinde yer almaması yönüyle orijinal bir nitelik gösterir. Makalede, Işkiyyât-ı İskender, metin kompozisyonu ve hikâyenin yapısını oluşturan unsurlar yönüyle incelenecek, daha sonra halk hikâyeleri ve masallar ile kimi ortak özelliklerini göstermek bağlamında epizotlar ve motifler yönüyle de değerlendirmeye tabi tutulacaktır. Classical texts and folk narratives inhold important elements and symbolic expressions, in the context of self-recognition, awareness of existence, as well as the expression of the joys and fears of society's value judgments and beliefs. It was necessary to descend the contents of these symbols in the world of meaning in order for the literary works to be understood and evaluated correctly, While many imaginary elements used in literary texts seem fantastic to us, in Jung's psychological approach, these elements appear as archetypes. Jungian psychology focuses on the inner world of man and focuses on the problematics of 535 644 7948 Escort a happy individual with himself and his environment, and the ultimate goal of this psychology is to determine the course of how an individual will complete the individualization process. In this sense, Jung psychology is not only a psychology but also a mystical character. All these concepts seen in the work also contain mystical meanings. The processes that must be overcome by the devotee on the path of becoming a perfect human being in Sufism and the individualization stages that constitute the real purpose of Jung psychology are exactly similar. It is possible to see this similarity clearly in Alexander-nâme. Alexander's journey, which began when he realized that the dream he had had was a divine symbol, and all the adventures he experienced in this journey included the stages in reaching the perfect human being rank. The subject of the study, Alexander's journey to individualization and the stages of maturation in this journey, is similar to the process of being a perfect human in sufism, as well as the features of the individualization process by reflecting the features of archetypal symbolism. The main purpose of this study is to examine XIV. Ahmadî's work, Alexander-nâme, which is one of the poets of the 18th century, according to the myth of heroism and archetypal symbolism and to reveal the manifestations of archetypes which are the basic concepts of Jung psychology. At the same time, another aim of our study is to determine the relationships between the basic concepts of Jung psychology and the concept of Seyru süluk in Sufism and the similarity of the concepts of individualization and being a perfect human. For this purpose, Ahmadî's work intends to present an analytical reading and aims to reveal the reflections of Jung's individualization in the light of the symbolic expressions and the stages of Sufism. The main purpose of this kind of study and the importance of this study is that a classical mesnevi like Alexander-nâme is not fictionalized in order to reflect a mere plot; but to reveal that it is flowing around. It is also another objective of the study to show the reader that classical texts can be handled with modern psychological approaches. In this study, the following results were obtained: 1 Although Ahmadî's work, Alexander-nâme, is an epic work, the poet has equipped the work with mythological and symbolic elements and transformed it into a work that describes the ranks of the seyru süluk, which is the way of purification of the adherents in sufism. He successfully conveyed all these ranks with symbolic expressions within the plot. This is also the main purpose of Jung's individualization theory. This 535 644 7948 Escort, just like rebirth in the process of individualization, is not a bodily extinction, it means that the person's physical desires are killed and he gets devoted to God spiritually and is provided with a spiritual integrity. As a result, Alexander-nâme, written by Ahmadî, has paralellism with Jung's archetypal symbolism, both in terms of its subject matter and its 535 644 7948 Escort and the method followed by the poet. Although this story tells the story of the purification of a single hero, all the steps that all people must go through the path of purification are explained in the example of Alexander. In this respect, the subject dealt with in Alexander-nâme has a universal perspective concerning all humanity and the work shows the ways of capturing inner peace and spiritual purification. Even if discussing such universal values, in his work, referred to Jungian archetypes; Ahmadi wrote a sufistic work that took advantage of the stages that sufis define as seyrul süluk and of the symbols in order to express them. İnsanı tanıma sanatı» H ila l m atb aacıh k 'd a d E m ek m a tb a a c ılık 'da b a sılm ış v e A libaba c ilte v in d e SUNUŞ I-İnsanlar yaratılışlarındaki fizikî ve ruhî özellikleri icabı bir arada yaşamaya mecburdurlar. Bu açıdan dünyadaki en sosyal varlık insandır. İdari makamların kamu gücü kullanarak idare işlevine yönelik olarak tesis etmiş oldukları idare hukuku alanında sonuç doğuran hukuki işlemlerdir. İskender-namelerin Türk ve İran anlatı geleneği içinde önemli bir yeri vardır. Bu yazıda, söz konusu anlatı türünün başkahramanı İskender ile tarihsel bir karakter olan Büyük İskender arasındaki ilişki incelenecektir. İki boynuzlu veya iki zamanlı anlamına gelen Zülkarneyn ile tanrısallık yahut krallık simgesi olan boynuzlu taç motifine de değinilecektir. İki boynuz ile tanrısallık yahut krallık arasındaki ilişki henüz tam olarak çözülmüş değildir. Ancak söz konusu bu dinsel simgenin doğudan batıya yayıldığı görülmektedir. In this paper, the relationship between Alexander the Great and Alexander, the hero of the narrative genre, will be examined. On the other hand, the relation of Zulkarneyn in the Qur'an with Alexander or Oguz Kagan will be emphasized. Zulkarneyn, which means 535 644 7948 Escort horns 535 644 7948 Escort two-stroke, and the horned crown motif, which are symbol of divinity or kingdom, will also be mentioned. Although the historical background of the medieval Islamic exegesis associates Zulkarneyn with Alexander, Oguz Kagan's epic manuscript written in the Uyghur region, which is a relatively late period work in the Turkish field, portrayed Oguz Khan with two horns of oxen. The relationship between two horns and divinity or kingdom is not yet fully resolved.
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