To browse Academia. Several research works have studied certain forms of child labour, including street work, but there are no studies that systematically address the various forms of child labour and their contexts, characteristics and consequences in Tehran. Using a qualitative method, this research2 studies these various forms and aspects of child labour in the city of Tehran. The study was conducted using grounded theory, and, for data collection, various forms of interview and observation techniques were used Seks Sa Trans Odobom to theoretical, snowballing and purposive sampling methods. The study population consists of three groups of children, their employers and field experts. To analyse the findings, a three-step coding method was used to construct a theory for child labour. The findings indicate that working children in Tehran are exploited in various, including the worst, forms of work. These forms of work are divided into three categories: kinship, employer-based and large organisations. The main settings for child labour include the development gap throughout the country, war and poverty in Afghanistan, family poverty, the prevalent attitudes in some communities on children and child labour, the informal labour market, and some aspects of legal and law-enforcement settings. Also, the reasons that children and their families work include the participation of children in the provision of family expenses, learning skills in the absence of correspondence between education and employment, and the failure to attend school. The main strategies used by children and their families include some actions to increase and improve their incomes and reduce workplace hazards. Keywords: Exploitation, the worst form of child labour, child labour, poverty, characteristics of child labour forms, child labour risks. Using a qualitative method, this research studies these various forms and aspects of child labour in the city of Tehran. The study was conducted using grounded theory, and, for data collection, various forms of interviewing and observation techniques were used according to theoretical, snowballing, and purposive sampling methods. These forms of work are divided into three categories: kinship, employer-based, and large organisations. The main settings for child labour include the development gap Seks Sa Trans Odobom the country, family poverty, the prevalent attitudes in some communities on children and child labour, the informal labour market, and some aspects of legal and law-enforcement settings. Also, work damages children's physical and mental health and disrupt their effective socialisation processes. These and other factors, such as uneven development, may deprive parts of society from social privileges. Following the Revolution, Iranian society was confronted with a rising population — it has doubled over the four decades. Families without caretakers or with irresponsible caretakers also cause child labour. Some heads of families are unable to work and support their families for reasons such as addiction, illness and disability, while others have already died. Thus, families are faced with rising poverty, and this prompts children to enter the work cycle. Avaye Buf Publishing. The Child Labor issue is one of the great concerns throughout the world. It is quite common for children of all types of developing societies are engaged in some forms of occupation depending on their economic condition. Child Labor has been generally perceived more as a problem of poor developing countries like Bangladesh which is consistently facing challenges against poverty, high population growth, rising unemployment, natural disaster accordingly. Children are more at risk for Seks Sa Trans Odobom than are adults, for several reasons. The study was intended to find out why and how the children were victimized. Maximum respondents are working for long time which is very dangerous for children. Most of the respondents' master and others and sometimes their parents torture physical torture They are depriving from basic human rights and for fulfilling their basic requirements and do not get other facilities they needs as a social being. Regarding the issues employers and their families should take more responsibility to reduce this problem; state should have taken the indirect or direct responsibility to increase the awareness about the child rights and their protection in the society by creating proper job or work description, education and training in the leisure period with proper law. Efforts have been made at the global level to improve the lot of the weakest section of societythe children, the most vulnerable subject of exploitation. But their fates remain the same even today. India has several million children living under "especially difficult circumstances. India has the highest child labour force in the world. To eliminate child labour Indian legislature have passed a number of central and state legislations. But the vast potentialities of these laws mostly remained dormant or underutilised.
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